NEXUS Allow You To Get Into the US or Canada Faster

  • Frequent fliers, business travelers, and the general public can access our Services to join the United States and Canada fast NEXUS CANADA,U.S. and Customs Trusted Traveler program
  • We are experts in helping you to complete your NEXUS application 
  • We ensure that your application has the highest probability of success by ensuring it is complete, accurate and mistake-free.
  • We also help you with any additional steps you need to take and of any additional documentation you must provide.
  • We let you know of problems you may encounter from filing the application.

Program Eligibility

U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, Canadian citizens, Canadian lawful permanent residents and Mexican nationals who are members of Mexico’s trusted traveller program, Viajero Confiable are eligible to apply for membership in the U.S./Canada NEXUS program.

If you are under the age of 18, you must have your parent or legal guardian’s consent to participate in the program.

How to Apply

Our service specializes in the checking and processing of NEXUS applications. We are a private third party company and are not related or endorsed by any government agency. We cannot affect the outcome of your NEXUS membership.

Step 1. Each applicant must pay our service fee for the help with the application. This has a guarantee if it’s rejected b/c of an error on the application we will refund your money. 

Step 2. You will get a confirmation that your application has been submitted and is being worked on.

Step 3. There is a security and background check and this process takes 2-6 weeks. There is nothing that can be done to speed this up but we let you know once we hear back from the government. 

Step 4. Once Conditionally Approved schedule and attend an interview at a US enrollment center of your choice. If you need help with this, we can help you to get this scheduled.